
Wojtek Petteri Mauri
Osmo R Henri S HeiLei
Ari N EPe Jani Joachim B Jouni T Jukka Kai Zhang Lasse Leo K Olli Pedro Seppo K Taavi D Teppo Tero Timo S Ville Heikki O




I was checking prices for new shuttlecocks, as perhaps some of us need new tubes. So, in, we can get:
Yonex Aerosensa 30, 43.95 euros/tube
Victor Champion no 1, 29.90 euros/tube
RSL Classic Tourney 31.95 euros/tube.
In case we buy many, we can get few cents of discount, also we can get a free shipping if we order enough.

In Finland, we can get Victor Master Tournament, apparently a new brand of Victor shuttles, 33 euros/tube, and we have to share the shipping fee among us, from Victor Finland shop .

Personally, I think Yonex got a bit too expensive, so perhaps other brand would work.

In case anyone would like to take care of the order, that is great. Otherwise, I probably can do it if needed. We can chat more on Wednesday.



I asked the price for 10 tubes of Yonex AS-30 from
They offered 40,75 €/tube (10 x 40,75 = 407,50 €).
Does this price increase your interest in Yonex AS-30?

Kommentoi tapahtumaa: Kirjaudu jäsensivuille tai liity joukkueeseen.

Avoin ilmoittautuminen vieraileville pelaajille


Pelaaja 3 2
Valmentaja 0 0
Yhteyshenkilö 0 1
Joukkueen ulkopuoliset 0
Yhteensä In 3 Out 3
Edellinen / Seuraava In Out
Kakkonen ke Ke 29.1. klo 16:30 4 2
Ykkönen ke Ke 5.2. klo 16:30 4 2
Kakkonen ke Ke 5.2. klo 16:30 3 3
Ykkönen ke Ke 12.2. klo 16:30 2 5
Kakkonen ke Ke 12.2. klo 16:30 4 2

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