
I got the price for Victor a bit lower (31-32 euros per tube) if I buy 10 tubes or more... However, we are still responsible for postage costs. I will be ordering on Thursday, so please let me know if you want some - currently I got emails from Henri, Mauri and Ville... Please send me an email to wojciech(piste)solowski(miuku)gmail(piste)com if you want some tubes of Victor Master Tournament shuttlecocks...


Jukka ilmoittautui in

Voin pelata vain tunnin, koska on mentävä illalla tapaamiseen.


I have checked the prices of badminton shuttles again.

Victor Finland has the best price for the Victor Master Ace, 33 euros per tube (37.95 at badmintonplanet.eu). If we want these shuttles, this is the place to order even if we have to pay the transport cost.

Otherwise, at BadmintonPlanet.eu I can order (all speed 78 / speed 3), from shuttles we used in our playing at some point:

Victor Champion No 1, duck feather, 29.90, as duck feather not competition quality

Goose feather, suitable for competition:
Babolat Number 1, 30.95
RSL Classic Tourney, 31.95
Victor Master Ace, 37.95 (note, better to buy at Victor Finland)
Yonex Aerosensa 30, 43.95
Yonex Aerosensa 50, 49.50

From my perspective, I would go for locally ordered Victor Master Ace @ 33 euros plus shipping, mainly because I am happy to have local businesses profit instead of Dutch, and the price is fine.

My second choice would be RSL or Babolat from BadmintonPlanet.eu

Please send me an email to wojciech(piste)solowski(miuku)gmail(piste)com with what you would like to have. I will post here the combined list on Wednesday 19.2 before badminton time, so you can discuss what to do and then let me know.

I think we should either go with badmintonplanet.eu order or with Victor Finland order, but not both.


Ville, profiilikuva

Hello Wojtek,

Thanks for arranging. Victor Master Ace sounds like a plan and it makes a lot of sense if everyone has the same (hopefully high quality) shuttles.



3-9.3 on mimmien tennisturnaus Talissa. 5.3 ke lienee katsomot auki eli ei pelejä.


Info tuli kisasta.
Oletettavasti näin on, mutta katsokaa on ilmoitusta kentän reunalla ja infotkaa



I was checking prices for new shuttlecocks, as perhaps some of us need new tubes. So, in badmintonplanet.eu, we can get:
Yonex Aerosensa 30, 43.95 euros/tube
Victor Champion no 1, 29.90 euros/tube
RSL Classic Tourney 31.95 euros/tube.
In case we buy many, we can get few cents of discount, also we can get a free shipping if we order enough.

In Finland, we can get Victor Master Tournament, apparently a new brand of Victor shuttles, 33 euros/tube, and we have to share the shipping fee among us, from Victor Finland shop .

Personally, I think Yonex got a bit too expensive, so perhaps other brand would work.

In case anyone would like to take care of the order, that is great. Otherwise, I probably can do it if needed. We can chat more on Wednesday.



I asked the price for 10 tubes of Yonex AS-30 from racketservice.fi.
They offered 40,75 €/tube (10 x 40,75 = 407,50 €).
Does this price increase your interest in Yonex AS-30?

Ville, profiilikuva

Tennis 17:30 asti, mutta tulen jälkimmäiselle tunnille mielelläni, jos tilaa.