I have checked the prices of badminton shuttles again.
Victor Finland has the best price for the Victor Master Ace, 33 euros per tube (37.95 at badmintonplanet.eu). If we want these shuttles, this is the place to order even if we have to pay the transport cost.
Otherwise, at BadmintonPlanet.eu I can order (all speed 78 / speed 3), from shuttles we used in our playing at some point:
Victor Champion No 1, duck feather, 29.90, as duck feather not competition quality
Goose feather, suitable for competition:
Babolat Number 1, 30.95
RSL Classic Tourney, 31.95
Victor Master Ace, 37.95 (note, better to buy at Victor Finland)
Yonex Aerosensa 30, 43.95
Yonex Aerosensa 50, 49.50
From my perspective, I would go for locally ordered Victor Master Ace @ 33 euros plus shipping, mainly because I am happy to have local businesses profit instead of Dutch, and the price is fine.
My second choice would be RSL or Babolat from BadmintonPlanet.eu
Please send me an email to wojciech(piste)solowski(miuku)gmail(piste)com with what you would like to have. I will post here the combined list on Wednesday 19.2 before badminton time, so you can discuss what to do and then let me know.
I think we should either go with badmintonplanet.eu order or with Victor Finland order, but not both.